In the industry, many bulk transporters haul commodities that can’t be mixed, therefore a tank must be washed prior to handling certain commodities. There are also cases where a tank cannot be used for delivering certain commodities if another commodity has ever been in the tank. There are features in TMW that can help ensure that these commodity restrictions are monitored to keep these products from coming in contact with each other. These features are called Tank Wash and Last Commodity.
The Tank Wash feature is used to identify when tanks must be washed, and maintains a record of when the washes occur. This will keep a record in TMW that will send a message to Operations when they attempt to use a resource, that requires a wash, and that wash has not occurred. A company can use the system to stop dispatching when a requirement has not been met. One can also use the Last Commodity features to identify commodities that have been on a Trailer previously, so that the Operations team can make a decision to have a tank washed or not, or used at all for that new commodity.
These features can help safeguard against contamination, while maintaining a record of events and providing information to the Operations team to help them make informed decisions about the commodities that are to be delivered.